Explosion Proof Lights

Explosion Proof Lights: What You Need To Know

While many work environments are perfectly safe to use standard solar street lights, sports lighting, or other types of lighting fixtures, some work environments require a little bit extra protection and safety to guarantee their workers stay safe on the job. At Induction Lighting Fixtures, we want to make sure your work environment is as safe as possible; that’s why we offer explosion proof lights to help your business. There are a few simple classifications of explosion proof lighting, and it’s important to understand them before purchasing lights for your business. Each class is further divided into two categories, so be sure to read the full descriptions so you can make the right decision before you purchase.

Class I

In Class I lighting, lights need to be designed for an environment where flammable gasses are present. This is true for both Class I Division 1 lights and Class I Division 2 lights. This means any sort of lighting being used in the space must be lighting that won’t accidentally ignite these gases. Potential hazardous gases include:

  • Hydrogen
  • Propane
  • Butane
  • Methane

The divisions within Class I dictate the frequency with which explosion proof lights will be exposed to hazardous gases. Class I Division 1 lights are almost always exposed to these gases, whereas Class I Division 2 lights are only occasionally exposed to gases.

Class II

Class II lights also need to be able to avoid causing damage in hazardous environments, with the difference between this class and others being what material poses danger. In Class II, lights need to avoid igniting flammable dusts and particles in the air, such as carbon or metal dusts. Again, the divisions signify the frequency with which lights will be exposed to these conditions; division 1 lights will almost always be exposed, division 2 will only infrequently be exposed.

Class III

Class III lights, similar to classes I and II, are also at risk of igniting certain materials if not properly designed. Class III lights need to be careful to avoid igniting flammable fibers and other similar materials, such as rayon or cotton. Division 1, like the previous two classes, has this risk under normal operating conditions, whereas division 2 has this risk under abnormal conditions.

Keeping Your Workers Safe

Induction Lighting Fixtures wants to make sure your workers stay as safe as possible on the job, which is why we provide several types of explosion proof lighting for your workplace. Contact us today for more information about explosion proof lights and which class and division might be right for your work environment.